
Business Debt Collection Clients

Business Debt Collection Clients


The Brookes Bates Partnership client base is extensive and ranges from small businesses through to billion dollar multinational corporations.

Our clients operate across all market sectors and are located throughout the world.

Each of our clients, regardless of size or location, receives the highest levels of dedicated, personal and proactive service from our credit management team.

Of particular note is our extensive receivables management work for:

  • Governmental Bodies
  • Educational Establishments
  • UK and European Multinationals
  • North American Corporations trading throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Useful Links:

Our Terms & Conditions

The Late Payment of Commercial
Debts Regulations 2013

Companies House Web Check
Companies House Information

Check insolvency status
The Insolvency service allows you to search to see if your debtor is Bankrupt or subject to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement.

European Late Payment Directive 2011/7/EU

Brookes Bates Partnership LLP

Brookes Bates Partnership LLP
7a High Street, Pangbourne Reading, Berkshire, RG8 7AE, UK.

Anweisungen werden per website, email, telefonsich, Post oder Telefax angenommen.

Quick Contact

Email: info@brookesbates.com
Phone: +44(0) 118 984 5885
Fax : +44(0) 118 984 3052


Affiliate members of FENCA
(Federation of European National Collection Associations)

Members of
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