Your questions
are answered by Our Experts
Please feel free to call us on:
+44(0) 118 984 5885 to discuss your individual debt recovery requirements.
Fax: +44(0) 118 984 3052
This service is provided utilising a network of trace agents.
Our tracing services are:
Telephone Tracing
Full Investigative Tracing
International Tracing Services - price on application
Further information about our tracing services can be found in our legal services link
Occasionally and as part of the debt recovery process we may recommend a business status report. This may help to assess a company’s financial position and /or trace further contact information. Brookes Bates does not supply business reports without the agreement of our client and does not provide business reports to be used as a tool in the making of credit decisions.
(See list of applicable European countries below)
2-4 Working days £90.00
5-6 Working days £80.00
7-9 Working days £70.00
European status reports - list of applicable countries:
Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, portugal, Spain.
All other European countries are priced as the rest of the world reports.
2-4 Working days £175.00
5-6 Working days £150.00
7-9 Working days £120.00
The Late Payment of Commercial
Debts Regulations 2013
Companies House Web Check
Companies House Information
Check insolvency status
The Insolvency service allows you to search to see if your debtor is Bankrupt or subject to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement.
Brookes Bates Partnership LLP
7a High Street, Pangbourne Reading, Berkshire, RG8 7AE, UK.
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Phone: +44(0) 118 984 5885
Fax : +44(0) 118 984 3052
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